Published by : Rigaldo Saint-Charles
Englsih, VolleyBall   | Reading time :  minutes

The Haitian Federation of Volleyball ( FHVB ) is preparing to organize a Volleyball tournament called “Youth Tournament Easter 2022”, which will be held from 14 to 17 April 2022 on the campus of the Christian University of the community of Caiman in Pignon, in the department of North, with the participation of more than 500 children and youth between 9 and 22 years divided into 5 categories.

The event is organized in conjunction with the University’s leaders. The 500 young people who will take part in this volleyball tournament will come from various regions of the country: Cap-Haitian, Port-Margot, Plaine du Nord, Limonade, Ouanaminthe, Saint-Marc, Hinche, Monbin Crochu, Port-Au-Prince). Aged from 9 to 22 years, they will be divided into several categories: Poussin, Minime, Cadet, Junior and U23.

Volleyball fans, especially those of the region, will be spoiled during the Easter period.

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