Since the eviction of Yves Jean-Bart known as “Dadou” at the head of the Haitian Football Federation, on May 25, 2020, by the Ethics Committee of Fifa, national soccer is in pause mode.
After the dismissal of Mr. Jean-Bart and his cronies, a normalization committee was formed by Fifa to take the reins of Haitian soccer. Since then, the various national championships (men and women) are no longer played. Added to this is the issue of general insecurity in the country, aggravated by the proliferation of armed gangs that even manage to block access to certain regions of the country. Football in general seems to be fading. Is this the end of soccer in Haiti, which seems almost non-existent? And when will it resume its rights?
To get out of this lethargy, the great north, particularly the city of Cap-Haitien through the Millennium Communication group had taken the initiative to roll the football in Haiti through its soccer tournament organized at the Felix St Victor Park in Cap-Haitien between December 11, 2021 and January 23, 2022 with the participation of Cavaly de Léogane, Violette AC, Tempête de Saint-Marc, AS Mirebalais, Racing des Gonaïves and 3 clubs Capois: ASC, Fica and Real Hope Academy. A tournament that saw the victory of Cavaly (1-0) against As Capois. The club from Leogane had pocketed a fee of 10,000 US dollars.
In Bas-Artibonite, a group of club leaders, sports journalists and some members of the private business sector of the region have decided to move the soccer players. With this objective in mind, the Amani-y Super Cup was set up on March 6 at Antoine Levelt Park in St. Marc with the participation of 10 teams, including Violette Ac, Cosmopolites de Delmas, Arcahaie FC, the two St. Marc clubs Baltimore and Tempête, As Mirebalais, Racing des Gonaïves, As Capoise, Triomphe de Liancourt and USR (Union Sportive Rive-Artibonitienne).
This tournament was going to know an abrupt stop of one week, following a note of prohibition of use of the Park Levelt emanating from the general secretary of the Haitian Federation of Football (FHF), Carlo Marcelin. A “whimsical” decision of Mr. Marcelin that has not produced any effect. The tournament continues until April 24, the day of the patronal feast of the city of St. Marc, the city of Nissage Saget.
The soccer tournaments are going on in Haiti. Offended by the fact that soccer is played in the north of Haiti, and in the Bas-Artibonite, the soccer lovers of the Grand Sud have also decided to organize their own soccer tournament at the Mister Henry Park in the city of Les Cayes in the Croix Martyr area, called the Coupe du Grand Sud. This first edition will begin on April 3, 2022 with the participation of 12 teams divided into 3 groups of 4.
Group A- America des Cayes, Chantal FC, St Jean du Sud, Camp-Perrin Fc
Group B- Cavaly de Leogane, Empire Fc de Cavaillon, Rangers de Miragoâne, Port-Salut Fc
Group C- Juventus des Cayes, Fc Depoze de Leogane, Jérémie Fc, Apache des Cayes.

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